The relationship between leadership and management and organizational

Ultimate Guide to understanding the relationship between leadership and management and organizational

One of the more important points in leadership is the motivation of employees but another factor that is often not thought about is what impact leadership style of an organization and the results to the profit and loss of the business or organization. In 2018 more Business and Organisation are putting a larger focus on their culture and have a greater understanding of how leadership affects the morals of the employees.

What is organizational culture, and why is it important?

In the early 1990s most business owners or CEOs did not invest any money in improving the organizational culture as there was no real way to measure culture within the organization and at the time most employees in the era were happy to just have a job and the leadership and management skill was not as important.

Fast forward to 2018 and the employee landscape has changed, more employees are putting a larger focus on origination culture and therefore if you are an organization and you want the best talent you have to ensure your organization culture is up to standard. Everything you can feel and see with an organization is part of it culture. These days most employees would tell you it is one of the most important factors when it comes to being happy and productive in the workplace. It has an impact through the behaviours of all the people in the organization. Organization culture is often referred to as the glue of the organization or the heart the keeping it running and has a major impact on how the job is done. Good Leaders and managers understand good culture is the reason people attend work and more often than not is the reason the resign from the work place. Over 90% of employees leave an origination due to poor management and leadership or a bad culture.

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The behaviours the management team and leaders within the organization express set the tone and are specific to the environment and what the people in the organization believe. Organizational culture is unique and is noticeable as soon as you enter any organization. Although the factors the make up organization culture will vary depending on which employee or manager or leader you speak to. Below is a list of some of the common ones:

  • The way you are greeted or not greeted when you enter a company
  • The way people address each other in the organization
  • Seating arrangement by floors and the office of the management or leadership team
  • Organization of working hours and free time
  • Table arrangement in shared cafeterias
  • Parking space arrangement
  • Arrangement of the surrounding area
  • The style of dress and the facial expressions of employee, managers and leaders.
Every organization has a culture, it includes all the behaviours that can be observed. This includes the employees and leaders and managers. It is up to the leaders and managers to dictate if the cutler is something that keeps existing staff and ensure they work in a productive manner whilst attracting new talent or does the complete opposite and loses current staff and does not attract external talent. It is also important to note that presumption is often reality when it comes to the culture within your business. If you employees believe you leader is not approachable and the workplace is not flexible, then that is the relative until management or a team leader changes that presumption.

why is culture important within an organisation or business?

Business indicators and business metrics all play a key role when it comes to having a positive business culture. Many Leaders and managers will tell you that this is often the key factor that separate an average organization or a highly successful. One the leadership team has set the required culture they can then leave it up to the employee to manage and control it to get the desired business results.

To becomes a successful organization the management team and other leaders must understand the that culture is in the function of vision, strategy, and strategic goals. Organization with poor leadership and management culture is accidental and unplanned. The organizational culture in organizations can be divided into:

  • Managed, directed organizational culture
  • Spontaneous, accidental, unmanaged organizational culture.
Every organization has some kind of organizational culture, but it also the case that many organizations plan or manage their culture

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